A Season of Sloth

 The Bleak Midwinter. The time between Christmas eve and New Years Day (and a few days after), The time of short days and long nights, when all anyone wants to do is sleep. That's what it is: a season of sloth. Or maybe it's chronic, serious depression, but I found it difficult to do more than the absolute minimum. I did launch my boat, trailer my boat, and then go bank fishing. Well, really, I fished from a pier.

It started with the motor refusing to stay in gear. Or maybe it started in 1969 when I couldn't bring myself to finish my studies. But let's not go there. Back to the boat!

After I addressed the refusal to stay in gear and doing some other things, among them, cleaning the carb and setting the points, I had the hubris to believe I didn't need to test run the damn thing! So when I launched it, it started and ran for five whole seconds. And then I got it to fire a couple times, and then -- nothing. I pulled out a plug and found that it wouldn't spark. I loaded it back on the trailer, took it home and then went fishing. It was several days before I worked on it again. Today, I will finally begin working on the Outboard Saga again.


  1. It is hard to get motivated during this Winter abyss. But I know you'll bounce back! xxoo


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