If I Were a Wise Man


I looked at the boat some more today, and noticed there were a few more things I could remove. For the most part, they were screws, the purpose of which was not always clear. What did become clearer and clearer as I worked along was that the fiberglass that had been added on the inside wasn’t repair, but rather modifications. The more I looked, the worse it got. This boat is full of good ideas, badly executed. It appears that the vast majority of the added fiberglass work bonded poorly, or not at all. Look at the rear light. Not just a good idea, but a legal necessity. This one can lay flat in the daytime. It’s held on with two steel screws of different lengths. The wires are connected in what can only be called a substandard manner, as are all connections on this boat. 



The bottom must be repainted. One of the previous owners (or all of them, for all I know) thought it was just fine to drill holes through the hull to attach things. At least most of the holes are above the water line. That's something to be thankful for.


This is most of what I removed. 


If I were a wise man, I would just get rid of it and start over. I’ll be pricing fiberglass, resin and paint pretty soon.


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