
Showing posts from October, 2023

I Took Another Break

 By this time, I should stop calling them breaks. True, they have nothing to do with outboards, etc., but also, by this time, they aren't an interruption, but an ongoing behavior. Yeah -- I went hunting. I took pictures. I got out of the car and  suited up, and almost immediately saw this: A young tom turkey. As I walked down the trail, he would stop, look back at me, then hurry around the next curve. Finally, he wandered into the bush and I continued looking for a good place to sit and wait for a deer. After a while, I headed back to the car, and here he was again. That's when I took this pic. Here is where I have to mention Bill Watterson, creator of the comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes. When Hobbes leaps on Calvin, he is in the general shape of a giant letter "C," slightly elongated and tilted forward. That's what I saw next. In shadow, it looked just a bit like someone threw a dark blanket. The turkey squawked and took flight. The cat walked back into the path a...

It's Another Tuesday

  It's Another Tuesday and this time I went fishing. It was a beautiful day, sunny with very little wind. Here in coastal, southern Georgia, the tides are more extreme than, say, south Florida. Today's was about eight feet. An aspect of such tides is that they flow really fast. If you're in a boat and want to fish under a bridge, it's probably best to fish a bit before to a bit after slack tide. It was perfect for that. I don't normally fish this way, so I was not perfectly prepared.                                                                                                           ...
 I Took A Break I Was going to go fishing on Tuesday, but on Monday, I was talking to my neighbor, Jim, and It got around to hunting. There was an early deer season, three-day, Oct. 5,6,7, either sex, in a Wildlife Management Area nearby. I decided to go deer hunting instead. I would go the 5th and 6th, and leave Saturday to every kid and his dog that couldn't hunt during the week. My wife, Peggy, said, Take pictures!" I did. That's a pretty fresh print, but I wanted one so fresh the deer was still standing in it. This is an abandoned Gopher tortoise hole. Just stating the obvious here. These are purple false foxglove. There are field of them. they are beautiful. I also saw some gallberries, but didn't get a usable picture. Didn't taste them either. Would you? The morning dew on pine needles. The morning dew didn't destroy the spider web. By that time, if something wasn't trapped, the adhesive qualities of the web would have deteriorated anyway. And in the ...